Earlier today, March xvi, Cardano Foundation made an announcement on its website disclosing that Z/Yen Group Limited (Britain) has initiated legal proceedings against information technology.

Z/Yen Group — Onetime Research Partner

Z/Yen Group Limited is a fintech think tank and a former inquiry partner of the Foundation. Back in 2022, the two co-authored a report entitled "The Quantum Countdown: Quantum Computing and the Future of Distributed Ledger Encryption."

Interestingly, Cardano founder, Charles Hoskinson, in a YouTube Ask Me Anything live stream from March 15, mentioned that his company is doing inquiry on breakthrough-resistant signatures.

IP rights dispute?

The information released by the Cardano Information on the nature of these "legal proceedings" is scant:

"The proceedings relate to an alleged understanding between the Z/Yen Group Limited and the Cardano Foundation dated July 2022. The Cardano Foundation voided/terminated the understanding for various reasons. The Cardano Foundation fully rejects the claims raised by the Z/Yen Group Limited. Due to the ongoing nature of this judiciary process, no farther information will exist given while proceedings are in progress."

Based on this information, one can only speculate that the case raises the issue of the ownership of intellectual property.

A Cardano Foundation spokesperson replied to Cointelegraph stating that "he has nothing to add together to the declaration."

Cointelegraph has reached the Z/Yen Group for comments but has not received it in fourth dimension for publishing. We will update this article should we receive a response.